Saturday, August 30, 2014

Another chance to see my knitting in an art show

I recently submitted my Antelope Island Scarf to a new art exhibit created by Friends of Great Salt Lake. Friends of Great Salt Lake is a local non-profit that works to preserve and protect the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the Lake through education, research, advocacy, and the arts. As part of the arts section of their mission, they began this year an art exhibit and prize called the Alfred Lambourne Prize.

I am excited that they accepted a work of what is traditionally considered craft into the show so if you are in town on September 19th you can come to Alderwood Fine Arts for the opening. Or you can see it anytime through October 9.

Here is more information from their press release:

In 2014, FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake established The Alfred Lambourne prize, an annual recognition and celebration of regional creativity inspired by our inland sea. FRIENDS invited creative work inspired by the Lake in the forms of visual arts, writing, sound, and dance.

On September 19, 2014, at Alderwood Fine Art, FRIENDS will award one prize of $1000 to a work that most speaks to the inspiration and wonder that our Lake evokes. Written and musical submittals will be read and performed from 6 - 7:30 pm. Visual arts submittals will be on display all evening and through October 9. The Prize will be awarded at 7:30 pm.

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